Science TV

Biotech, nanotech and synthetic biology roles in future food supply explored

Some say the world's population will swell to 9 billion people by 2030 and that will present significant challenges for agriculture to provide enough food to…

CU physicists use ultra-fast lasers to open doors to new technologies unheard of just years ago

Recent breakthroughs by their team at JILA, a joint institute of CU-Boulder and the National Institute of Standards and Technology, have paved the way on how…

Genome analysis of marine microbe reveals a metabolic minimalist

This metabolic minimalist is a specialist uniquely suited to performing one very important function: taking nitrogen gas from the atmosphere and "fixing" it into a form that makes this essential…

Comparison shows robot-assisted option offers advantages for kidney surgery

Reporting in the Canadian Journal of Urology, Ashok Hemal, M.D., a urologic surgeon from Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, compared laparoscopic…

Word learning in deaf children with cochlear implants

A growing body of evidence points to the importance of early auditory input for developing language skills. Indiana University Department of Otolaryngology…

Animals linked to human Chlamydia pneumoniae

Unlike the sexually-transmitted form of Chlamydia, Chlamydia pneumoniae is a major bacterial germ that causes widespread respiratory disease in humans.The…

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