plastic surgery

Nanostructured rubber-like material with optimal properties could replace human tissue

In the development of medical technology products, there is a great demand for new naturalistic materials suitable for integration with the body.

Comprehensive breast center improves quality of care for breast reconstruction

After opening a comprehensive breast center (CBC), one hospital achieved significant improvement in key measures of quality of care for women undergoing breast…

Lasers deemed highly effective treatment for excessive scars

Current laser therapy approaches are effective for treating excessive scars resulting from abnormal wound healing, concludes a special topic paper in the…

Development and clinical approval of biodegradeble magnesium alloy

This biodegradable and bioabsorbable metal decomposes from 6 months to 2 years after being transplanted into human body and hence, medical devices made with…

Plastic surgery trend has women armed for spring and summer

New statistics released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) show that arm lifts in women have skyrocketed more than 4,000 percent in just over…

People under the knife: Psychologists confirm long-term positive effects of plastic surgery

In a long-term study, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Margraf, Alexander von Humboldt Professor for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy at the RUB, investigated the…

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