Nature Immunology

Pitt-Led Researchers Create Super-Small Transistor, Artificial Atom Powered by Single Electrons

A University of Pittsburgh-led team has created a single-electron transistor that provides a building block for new, more powerful computer memories, advanced…

New kid on the plasmonic block

With its promise of superfast computers and ultrapowerful optical microscopes among the many possibilities, plasmonics has become one of the hottest fields in…

Study suggests that successful blueprints are recycled by evolution

The programs to develop these cells have been passed on ever since. The study which is published online by Nature Genetics has been supported by the GEN-AU…

La Jolla Institute identifies new therapeutic target for asthma, COPD and other lung disorders

Michael Croft, Ph.D., a researcher at the La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology, has discovered a molecule's previously unknown role as a major trigger…

The TET1 enzyme steers us through fetal development and fights cancer

Control of our genesThe complete human genetic code was mapped in 2000. However, it has become clear that the genetic code itself only in part can answer how…

MIT physicists create clouds of impenetrable gases that bounce off each other

While this experiment involved clouds of lithium atoms, cooled to near absolute zero, the findings could also help explain the behavior of similar systems such…

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