Medical Wellness

Exercise improves quality of life for heart failure patients

The findings, reported in the April 8 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, go a long way toward addressing concerns about the value of…

New Risk Variant for Atopic Dermatitis Identified

In a large genome-wide association study the researchers scanned the genomes of more than 9600 participants from Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic.”Our…

Locking Parasites in Host Cell Could Be New Way to Fight Malaria

“Researchers can now develop ways to kill parasites by placing roadblocks in the path they use to destroy their victims,” says Greenbaum. The team discovered…

Supervised exercise therapy can lead to improvements in COPD symptoms

Those suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often complain that exercise is too exhausting and leaves them breathless. An article in the…

Einstein scientists propose new theory of autism

Scientists at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University have proposed a sweeping new theory of autism that suggests that the brains of people…

CT scans: Too much of a good thing can be risky

“We found that while most patients accrue small cumulative cancer risks, 7 percent of the patients in our study had enough recurrent CT imaging to raise their…

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