magnetic resonance imaging

Researchers discover evidence to support controversial theory of 'buckyball' formation

Researchers at the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute have reported the first experimental evidence that supports the theory that a soccer ball-shaped…

Bismuth-carrying nanotubes show promise for CT scans

Scientists at Rice University have trapped bismuth in a nanotube cage to tag stem cells for X-ray tracking.Bismuth is probably best known as the active element…

Magnetic materials: Forging ahead with a back-to-basics approach

Scientists have recently started to explore the possibility of using an intrinsic property of the electron known as spin for processing and storing…

First Report of Real-Time Manipulation and Control of Nuclear Spin Noise

By Monitoring and controlling spin fluctuations, the method may provide a route for enhancing the resolution of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on the…

Researchers use skyrmions to store information

Physicists of the University of Hamburg, Germany, managed for the first time to individually write and delete single skyrmions, a knot-like magnetic entity….

Bio-imaging: Probing for deeper diagnostics

Molecular probes that selectively latch onto tumor cells and emit imaging signals can detect cancer without invasive procedures. These tools, however, have…

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