
Laser versus weeds: LZH shows Farming 4.0 at the Agritechnica

The new approach of the LZH is based on the non-contact, optical interaction of light with biological material: cameras can be used to distinguish weeds from…

Robotic weeders: to a farm near you?

The future of weeding is here, and it comes in the form of a robot.

Combatting weeds with lasers

Those who want a rich harvest need to drive back weeds so that the crops can grow better. In organic agriculture, herbicides are ruled out as they are…

Scientists weed out pesky poison ivy with discovery of killer fungus

Much to the chagrin of gardeners, hikers, and virtually anyone enjoying the outdoors, one of the hazards of summer is picking up an itchy poison ivy rash.

Selective grazing and aversion to olive and grape leaves achieved in goats and sheep

By using the natural mechanism of conditioned taste aversion, researchers redirected the food preferences of ruminants, making them more willing to eliminate…

Which direction are herbicides heading?

“Farmers can't imagine going back to 2,4-D or other auxin herbicides,” Riechers said. “But herbicide resistance is bad enough that companies are willing to…

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