
Mayo Clinic's new imaging technology accurately identifies a broad spectrum of liver disease

The technology, called magnetic resonance elastography (MRE), produces color-coded images known as elastograms that indicate how internal organs, muscles and…

$2 egg-beater could save lives in developing countries

The low-cost centrifuge replacement can separate plasma from blood in minutes, which is used in tests to detect lethal infectious diseases responsible for half…

Hepatitis B exposure may increase risk for pancreatic cancer

In a first-of-its-kind finding, researchers at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center have discovered that exposure to the hepatitis B virus…

Majority of Children Vaccinated Against Hepatitis B Not at Increased Risk of MS

The study based in France involved 349 children with MS and 2,941 children without the disease. The children were all under the age of 16. A total of 24.4…

World Cancer Declaration sets ambitious targets for 2020

The plan, contained in the World Cancer Declaration, recommends a set of 11 cancer-busting targets for 2020 and outlines priority steps that need to be taken…

Nano vaccine for hepatitis B shows promise for third world

Chronic hepatitis B infects 400 million people worldwide, many of them children. Even with three effective vaccines available, hepatitis B remains a stubborn,…

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