
Digital in-Line Holography Helps Researchers 'See' Into Fiery Fuels

Digital in-line holography, known as DIH, is a laser-based technique that has been around since the 1990s. Sandia advanced the technique with new algorithms to…

Surface matters: Huge reduction of heat conduction observed in flat silicon channels

The advent of nanotechnology, where the rules of classical physics gradually fail as the dimensions shrink, is challenging Fourier's theory of heat in several…

Shaping a more than perfect wave

In their recent publication in “Nature Nanotechnology”, NIM graduate Florian Schülein and his supervisor NIM-Professor Hubert Krenner at the chair of…

Quantum Physics – Hot and Cold at the Same Time

A cloud of quantum particles can have several temperatures at once, as demonstrated in experiments conducted in a joint project by researchers from Heidelberg…

A digital field guide to cancer cells

Using advanced technology and an approach that merges engineering and medicine, a Yale University-led team has compiled some of the most sophisticated data yet…

Light pollution shown to affect plant growth and food webs

The research shows that light pollution can impact the natural environment in complex ways that may be hard to predict. Due to the global extent of artificial…

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