
Bile – not Acid – is Bad Guy in Triggering Precancerous Condition Associated with Reflux Disease

But when it comes to Barrett’s esophagus, a condition commonly found in people with GERD, acid control may be less important than beating back another bodily…

Creation of two French-Chinese International Associated Laboratories in chemistry

CNRS, Université de Rennes 1 and Zhengzhou University (in Henan province) have created the International Associated Laboratory “Matériaux organophosphorés…

The genetic heart of the lipids: Population cohort study finds six genetic variants associated with 'bad' cholesterol

The power of 'genetic microscopes' has increased because the methods are in place to study many thousands of DNA samples. This study, involving over 20,000…

Genes for nine health indicators: Population study finds genetics clues

Cohorts are followed throughout their lives, gathering lifelong information about their health: these data will help researchers to dissect the complex causes…

International team discovers gene associated with epilepsy

The findings, which involved nearly two dozen institutions from six different countries, appear in the Nov. 7 issue of the American Journal of Human Genetics.In epilepsy, nerve cells in the brain signal abnormally and cause repeated seizures that can include strange sensations, severe muscle spasms and loss of consciousness. The seizures may not have lasting effects but can affect activities, such as limiting a person's ability to drive. Most seizures do not cause brain damage but some types of epilepsy lead to physical disabilities and cognitive problems. Medications can control symptoms, but there is no cure….

Pinpointing susceptibility to knee arthritis

Identification of a previously unknown gene linked to knee arthritis provides new therapeutic target Molecular geneticists in Japan and China have identified a…

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