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Earth Sciences

Arctic Ocean More Vulnerable to Human-Induced Changes Than Antarctic Ocean

After comparing sites in both oceans, they found the Arctic site to be more acidic, warmer during the summer months, and have fewer nutrients; those…

Environmental Conservation

Breakthroughs in Ocean Acidification Research Unveiled

Never before have so many scientists conducted research on what impacts the declining pH value of seawater has on animals and plants in the ocean. The experts…

Environmental Conservation

World’s ocean is losing its memory under global warming

Using future projections from the latest generation of Earth System Models, a recent study published in Science Advances found that most of the world’s ocean is steadily losing its year-to-year…

Environmental Conservation

Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement: Impact on Marine Life Explored

How does ocean alkalinity enhancement affect marine life? In a multi-week experiment starting today, scientists led by GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel investigate if the addition of rock…

Integrated Ocean Drilling Program/Ocean Drilling Program (IODP/ODP) / SPP 527

Das Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) betreibt mit dem Bohrschiff JOIDES RESOLUTION in allen Weltmeeren ein geowissenschaftliches Bohrprogramm. Die Kosten für das Programm werden zu 60% von den USA getragen, die restlichen Mittel stammen von Deutschland, Großbritannien, Japan, Frankreich, China und zwei Länderkonsortien (Australien, Kanada, Korea, Taiwan/European Science Foundation: Belgien, Dänemark, Finnland, Island, Irland, Italien, Norwegen, Portugal, Spanien, Schweden, Schweiz und die Niederlande). Der jähr

Environmental Conservation

World’s leading scientists issue unprecedented plan for protecting ocean and marine life

Defying ocean’s end offers global perspective on eve of pew report

For the first time ever, the world’s largest environmental organizations, working with scientists, the business community and international governments, met specifically to develop a comprehensive and achievable agenda to reverse the decline in health of the world’s ocean.

The five-day Defying Ocean’s End (DOE) conference marked the launch of a new, science-based international effort to restore and maintain

Earth Sciences

Robotic Ocean Gliders Enhance Polar Ice Melt Research

Although warm water near the coast is thought to be the main factor causing the ice to melt, the process by which this water ends up near the cold continent is…

Earth Sciences

Arctic Ocean’s Freshwater Shelf Ice: New Insights from Scientists

Scientists from Alfred Wegener Institute: “We need to have a fresh look at the role of the Arctic Ocean.” The Arctic Ocean was covered by up to 900 m thick…

Environmental Conservation

Deep Ocean Reveals North Atlantic Climate Change Evidence

North Atlantic circulation reduced little Ice Age cooling. Evidence of climate change in the North Atlantic during the last 1,000 years can be seen in the deep ocean, according to…

Environmental Conservation

Indian Ocean Climate Watch Network Expands Monitoring Efforts

The development of a huge observing network to monitor ocean currents and temperature and understand the conditions that bring rain – and drought – to nearly two thirds of the world’s population is underway in the Indian Ocean.

The development of a huge observing network to monitor ocean currents and temperature and understand the conditions that bring rain – and drought – to nearly two thirds of the world’s population is underway in the Indian Ocean.

“This is

Earth Sciences

New Insights on Carbon Storage in the Southern Ocean

Reporting this week in the journal Nature Geoscience, scientists from British Antarctic Survey (BAS) and Australia's national research agency, the Commonwealth…

Environmental Conservation

Tracking young salmon’s first moves in the ocean

Basic ocean conditions such as current directions and water temperature play a huge role in determining the behavior of young migrating salmon as they move…

Earth Sciences

Climate Change Alters Best Ocean Carbon Sequestration Sites

An Earth System model developed by researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign indicates that the best location to store carbon dioxide in the deep ocean will change with climate change.

The direct injection of carbon dioxide deep into the ocean has been suggested as one method to help control rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and mitigate the effects of global warming. But, because the atmosphere interacts with the oceans, the net uptake of carbo

Earth Sciences

Ocean's 'twilight zone' plays important role in climate change

A major study has shed new light on the dim layer of the ocean called the “twilight zone”—where mysterious processes affect the ocean's ability to absorb and…

Environmental Conservation

World Ocean Systems Undermined by Climate Change by 2100

An ambitious new study that includes Lisa Levin of Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego describes the full chain of events by which ocean

Earth Sciences

Deep Ocean Current May Slow Due to Climate Change Findings

A new study by the University of Pennsylvania’s Irina Marinov and Raffaele Bernardello and colleagues from McGill University has found that recent climate…
