Science Education

Leuphana emphasizes personalized teaching approach in online university education

In response to the roaring success of their new “Digital School”, Leuphana University of Lüneburg will strive to focus on intensity and quality teaching for…

EU funds INP Greifswald with major project

The funds will in particular focus on the research infrastructure, the recruitment of top-class researchers as well as the cooperation with experts on an…

Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe” Sets up Four New Junior Research Groups

The Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context” of Heidelberg University has set up four new junior research groups. The group leaders and…

Live and learn – Most GenXers continue their education

“This is an impressive level of engagement in lifelong learning,” says Jon D. Miller, author of the latest issue of The Generation X Report. “It reflects the…

CHF 755 million for basic research

In 2012, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) was able to invest CHF 755 million in basic research, the highest amount in its sixty-year history….

Advanced Learning through Negotiations

A doctoral thesis from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, shows that negotiations about how to approach problems and tasks, and about how tools such as…

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