Search Results for: ocean

ESA's ice mission delivers first data

Europe's first mission dedicated to studying variations in our planet's ice cover entered polar orbit just minutes after launch last Thursday, marking the…

Deepest Core Drilled from Antarctic Peninsula: May Contain Glacial Stage Ice

The expedition in early winter to the Bruce Plateau, an ice field straddling a narrow ridge on the northernmost tongue of the southernmost continent, yielded a…

Long-Distance Larvae Speed to New Undersea Vent Homes

One such “pioneer species,” Ctenopelta porifera, appears to have traveled over 300 kilometers to settle at the site on the underwater mountain range known as…

Decades of research show massive Arctic ice cap is shrinking

Close to 50 years of data show the Devon Island ice cap, one of the largest ice masses in the Canadian High Arctic, is thinning and shrinking.A paper published…

Deciphering the Mysteries of an Ancient Seafloor Goliath

The eruptions of “supervolcanoes” on Earth’s surface have been blamed for causing mass extinctions, belching large amounts of gases and particles into the…

British scientific expedition discovers world's deepest known undersea volcanic vents

A British scientific expedition has discovered the world's deepest undersea volcanic vents, known as 'black smokers', 3.1 miles (5000 metres) deep in the…

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