Technology Offerings

High Solubility Lipophilic Metal Salts in Non-Polar Solvents

Our unrivalled lipophilic metal salts are outstanding due to their high solubility in non-polar liquids. This offers a variety of totally new applications in the field of industrial chemistry. For the first time it is possible to produce superabsorbents for non-polar solvents (diesel, dichloromethane, etc.) economically. Our organic metal salts are totally fluorine-free. Thus it is possible to produce cost-efficient compounds that are environment friendly. Further applications are their use in salt extraction with alkanes, as weakly coordinating anions, for the production of polyolefins, and as catalysts for hydrogenation.

Further Information: PDF

Technologie-Lizenz-Büro (TLB) der Baden-Württembergischen Hochschulen GmbH
Phone: +49 (0)721/79 00 40

Professor Dr. Arno Basedow

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