Technology Offerings

Pendular Collimator: A new Generation of Collimator Technology for IMRT

Written by admin-innovation

The aim of radiotherapy is to generate dose distributions that conform the treatment volume to the planning target volume while keeping the dose to the organs at risk below their tolerance doses.

3D conformal radiotherapy has been intro-duced in nearly all modern clinics in western countries, in order to treat target volumes with a high conformal dose at utmost sparing of healthy tissue. Recently more sophisticated techniques as Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) have been introduced, allowing an even higher degree of conformity also for com-plex shaped targets. Multileaf collimators (MLCs) have replaced alloy blocks for individ-ual beam shaping and intensity modulation. However the established MLCs are highly complex and expensive and therefore their use is restricted to large institutes and centres that can afford the purchase of highly complex and costly equipment.

Further Information: PDF

DKFZ (German Cancer Research Center, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum)
Phone: +49-6221-42 2955

Dr. Ruth Herzog

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