Technology Offerings

Direct Formation of Adamantane Derivatives for Drug Innovation

This invention offers a new method for the direct and halogen-free formamide or acetamide formation of adamantane.
The adamantane modifications are chosen to enhance lipophilicity and stability of drugs, thereby improving their pharmacokinetics. Amido- and amino admantane derivatives can be used as drug delivery systems. They are able to overcome the blood-brain barrier and are competent to penetrate into the fatty tissue.
Due to these properties adamantane derivates are already used as therapeutics (e.g. for neurodegenerative diseases) and cosmetics. They are, for example, used as antiviral drugs or to treat Parkinson?s as well as Alzheimer?s diseases.

Further information: PDF

TransMIT Gesellschaft für Technologietransfer mbH
Phone: +49 (0)641/943 64-12

Dr. Peter Stumpf

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