Technology Offerings

Innovative Process Converts Black Liquor into Lignin Granulates

Written by admin-innovation

This invention is a process for manufacturing water-insoluble lignin-agglomerates in the form of granulates or briquettes from liquor left over as waste from processes of cellulose-extraction. The extract can be used energetically or materially. The extract is firstly granulated through spray-granulation or mix-agglomeration, leaving lignin-agglomerates, then is treated with acid, lowering its pH-value and making it insoluble in water. This process can make not only lignin-granulates but also lignin-briquettes. The granulates are brought into a formative template and immersed in sulfuric acid.

Further Information: PDF

ZAB ZukunftsAgentur Brandenburg GmbH Brainshell
Phone: +49 (0)331/660-3826

Benjamin Muirhead

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