Low toxic agents for treatment of B-Cell Lymphomas and Leishmaniasis

Search for novel natural products from the extracts of various parts of plants is still an important pillar of modern drug research. Plants of the families Dioncophyllaceae and Ancistrocladaceae are the only producers of Naphtho¬quinones. These novel lead candidates can be used as antitumoral agents for the treatment of B-cell lymphoma or multiple myeloma and as antiinfectives against malaria, African sleeping sickness, Chagas disease or leishma¬niasis.
<p> The novel lead substances can be used as antitumoral agents for the treatment of B-cell lymphoma or multiple myeloma. In vitro tests prove significantly reduced cell poliferation in tumor cell lines of aggressive B-Cell lymphomas as well as MM whereas they are non-toxic against normal peripheralmono-nuclear blood cells. <p> The compounds are attractive leads for the treatment of multiple myeloma which is the second most frequent hematological form of tumor and offer an alternative to the anti-CD20 treatment strategies. <p>
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Bayerische Patentallianz GmbH
Phone: +49 89 5480177-0
Peer Biskup