Physics & Astronomy

Exploring Innovations in Dark Technologies and Trends

Written by Shabnam
Artistic representation showing how the newly developed technique – Ultrafast Dark-field Momentum Microscopy – allows both bright excitons (shown in red) and dark excitons (shown in blue) to be analysed. Image Credit: Lukas Kroll

Artistic representation showing how the newly developed technique – Ultrafast Dark-field Momentum Microscopy – allows both bright excitons (shown in red) and dark excitons (shown in blue) to be analysed. Image Credit: Lukas Kroll

International research team led by Göttingen University develops new method for ultrafast imaging of dark excitons 

How can the latest technology, such as solar cells, be improved? An international research team led by the University of Göttingen is helping to find answers to questions like this with a new technique. For the first time, the formation of tiny, difficult-to-detect particles – known as dark excitons – can be tracked precisely in time and space. These invisible carriers of energy will play a key role in future solar cells, LEDs and detectors. The results were published in Nature Photonics.

Dark excitons are tiny pairs made up of one electron together with the hole it leaves behind when it is excited. They carry energy but cannot emit light (hence the name “dark”). One way to visualise an exciton is to imagine a balloon (representing the electron) that flies away and leaves behind an empty space (the hole) to which it remains connected by a force known as a Coulomb interaction. Researchers talk about “particle states” that are difficult to detect but are particularly important in atomically thin, two-dimensional structures in special semiconductor compounds.

Artistic representation showing how the newly developed technique – Ultrafast Dark-field Momentum Microscopy – allows both bright excitons (shown in red) and dark excitons (shown in blue) to be analysed. Image Credit: Lukas Kroll

In an earlier publication, the research group led by Professor Stefan Mathias from the Faculty of Physics at the University of Göttingen was able to show how these dark excitons are created in an unimaginably short time and describe their dynamics with the help of quantum mechanical theory. In the current study, the team has now developed a new technique known as “Ultrafast Dark-field Momentum Microscopy”, and used it for the first time. This enabled them to show how dark excitons are formed in a special material made of tungsten diselenide (WSe₂) and molybdenum disulphide (MoS₂) – and in an astonishing time, lasting just 55 femtoseconds (0.000000000000055 seconds) measured with a precise resolution of 480 nanometres (0.00000048 metres).

“This method enabled us to measure the dynamics of charge carriers very precisely,” explains first author Dr David Schmitt, also from Göttingen University’s Faculty of Physics. “The results provide a fundamental insight into how the properties of the sample influence the movement of the charge carriers. This means that this technique can be used in future to specifically improve the quality and therefore also the efficiency of solar cells, for example.” Dr Marcel Reutzel, Junior Research Group Leader in Mathias’ research group, adds: “This means that this technique can be used not only for these specially designed systems, but also for research into new types of materials.”

The research was supported by the DFG-funded Collaborative Research Centres “Control of Energy Conversion on Atomic Scales” and “Mathematics of Experimentation” in Göttingen and the Collaborative Research Centre “Structure and Dynamics of Inner Interfaces” in Marburg.

Dr Marcel Reutzel
University of Göttingen
Faculty of Physics
Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1, 37077 Göttingen, Germany
Tel: +49 (0)551 39-27620

Professor Stefan Mathias
University of Göttingen
Faculty of Physics
Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1, 37077 Göttingen, Germany
Tel: +49 (0)551 39-27601

Original Publication
David Schmitt, Jan Philipp Bange, Wiebke Bennecke, Giuseppe Meneghini, AbdulAziz AlMutairi, Marco Merboldt, Jonas Pöhls, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Sabine Steil, Daniel Steil, R. Thomas Weitz, Stephan Hofmann, Samuel Brem, G. S. Matthijs Jansen, Ermin Malic, Stefan Mathias, Marcel Reutzel
Journal: Nature Photonics
Method of Research: Experimental study
Article Title: Ultrafast nano-imaging of dark excitons
Article Publication Date: 3-Jan-2025
DOI: 10.1038/s41566-024-01568-y

Media Contact
Melissa Sollich
University of Göttingen
Office: 49-551-392-6228

Original Source:

Source: EurekAlert!

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