Information Technology

PolyU and Sino Parking Launch Innovative Smartphone Parking App

The Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) of PolyU and Sino Parking are jointly undertaking a project, entitled “Development and Implementation of an Advanced Automobile Parking Navigation Platform”, with funding support from Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF).

The project aims to design and develop an Internet of Things (IoT)-based advanced automobile parking navigation platform with three core systems: smart devices, software module and middleware.

These systems, through integration with the emerging technologies, including IoT-based Cloud Service, Near Field Communication (NFC), Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network (WSAN) and WSAN middleware, will provide drivers with the state-of-the-art automobile parking navigation services.

With the multi-function parking navigation smartphone application installed, drivers can easily identify the nearby Sino car parks and then go to the preferred car park with the assistance of the parking navigation function.

Drivers can also keep a record of their parked location, thus saving time and effort to search for the parking bay when they pick up their car. Besides, the application also provides users with detailed information of each Sino car park and the latest promotional deals.

Mr Dick K.C. Seto, Deputy General Manager, Sino Parking Services Limited, said, “the development of this smartphone application has taken into consideration the car park users' expectations obtained through various channels.

We will continue to add more new elements to the application, such as providing real-time information of parking bay vacancy, and other convenient and attractive services for the customers.

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