Markus Wolfien (left) und Gustav Steinhoff (right)
ITMZ / University of Rostock
Arteriosclerosis, myocardial infarction and heart failure are a prime cause of disease and death worldwide. The genetic cause of disease and mechanisms of repair by stem cells has not been unraveled so far.
The new findings show that stem cell senescence by multiple acquired mutations cause defects in myocardial perfusion repair. This mechanism may be a major cause of progressive heart failure and cardiovascular disease.
The clinical findings in the phase 3 PERFECT stem cell trial leading to strong improvement in heart function were validated in an independent patient group as well as in two mouse models clarifying the gene switch leading to improved heart repair by circulating stem and immune cells.
„This novel diagnostic method can be used for prediction of heart repair, which could form an important milestone in stem cell therapy of heart failure“ was stated by Prof. Gustav Steinhoff, who coordinated the research team from 10 universities.
Prof. Dr. med. habil. Gustav Steinhoff
Universitätsmedizin Rostock
Referenz- und Translationszentrum für kardiale Stammzelltherapie
Tel.: +49 381 494-6101
Mobil: +49 179 39 39 344
E-Mail: gustav.steinhoff@med.uni-rostock.de
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ebiom.2020.102862
Website: www.cardiac-stemcell-therapy.com