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Neues Informationsprogramm beruhigt Patienten

Onkologen in Italien haben nachgewiesen, dass eine strukturierte Einführung zur Bereitstellung von Gesundheitsinformationen für Krebspatienten wirklich ihr psychologisches und physisches Befinden verbessert und dass dieses Schema in jeder Krebsstation eingeführt werden sollte. Die Ergebnisse einer Studie mit 3.300 Patienten beim Test einer Methode zur Vermittlung von Gesundheitsinformationen für Krebspatienten wurden heute (20 Oktober 2002) beim Kongress der European Society for Medical Oncology in N

Onkologen beurteilen die chinesische Arzneimitteltherapie

Ein innovativer Versuch eines Tests, von traditionellen chinesischen Arzneimitteln mit westlichen Forschungsmethoden, wurde von Onkologen in Hongkong entwickelt, um den Stellenwert der chinesischen Arzneimitteltherapie innerhalb eines Programms zur konventionellen Behandlung zu beurteilen.

Bei seiner (19 Oktober 2002) Rede auf dem Kongress der European Society for Medical Oncology in Nizza, Frankreich, sagte Dr. Tony Mok von der Chinese University of Hongkong, “Sehr viele Personen in China

Chips zur Analyse von Krebsgenen

Wie am 19 Oktober 2002 den Delegierten bei dem Kongress der European Society for Medical Oncology in Nizza mitgeteilt wurde, dürfte sich die Chip Technology zur Auswertung von genetischen Informationen in der Zukunft als eines der wichtigsten Instrumente für die Krebsprognose herausstellen.

Krebs wird durch Veränderungen oder Mutationen in Genen und durch andere Zellanomalien ausgelöst. Die Informationen des Human Genome Project bieten jetzt ein wertvolles Werkzeug, um die genetische Basis

Hope for patients with advanced bowel cancer

Early results of North American trials of chemotherapy drug oxaliplatin

For patients with bowel cancer that has spread to other organs despite treatment there has been little hope until now. However, early results of trials in North America of a chemotherapy drug called oxaliplatin, given in conjunction with two standard drugs, 5-FU and leucovorin, delay tumour progression by 70% compared with the control component of the study. There is also a significant improvement in the symptoms

Despite Lower Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Diesel Cars May Promote More Global Warming than Gasoline Cars

Laws that favor the use of diesel, rather than gasoline, engines in cars may actually encourage global warming, according to a new study. Although diesel cars obtain 25 to 35 percent better mileage and emit less carbon dioxide than similar gasoline cars, they can emit 25 to 400 times more mass of particulate black carbon and associated organic matter (“soot”) per kilometer [mile]. The warming due to soot may more than offset the cooling due to reduced carbon dioxide emissions over several decades, ac

Work stress doubles risk of death from heart disease

Work stress is associated with a doubling of the risk of death from heart disease, finds a study in this week’s BMJ.

Researchers followed 812 healthy employees (545 men, 267 women) of a company in Finland for an average of 25 years. They gathered data on stress, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and body mass index by questionnaire, interviews, and clinical examinations. Cardiovascular deaths were calculated using the national mortality register.

They found that job strain (high w

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Physics and Astronomy

Measuring defects to better understand quantum systems

Quantum defects have the potential to act as ultra-sensitive sensors that could offer new kinds of navigation or biological sensor technology. One type of these defect systems, nitrogen vacancy (NV)…

Revolutionizing optical imaging

Breakthrough non-invasive technology for imaging through scattering media. Researchers introduce image-guided computational holographic wavefront shaping, offering fast and versatile solutions for complex imaging challenges. New study introduces a novel computational…

Near-earth microquasar a source of powerful radiation

Modern astronomy has clung to the belief that the relativistic outflows or jets responsible for the existence of electromagnetic radiation of particularly high energies are located in the nuclei of…

Life Sciences and Chemistry

AI helps to detect antibiotic resistance

In a pilot study, researchers at the University of Zurich have used artificial intelligence to detect antibiotic resistance in bacteria for the first time. This is an important first step…

Breakthrough in Scientific Imaging

New Method for Measuring Luminescence Lifetime. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research and University of Copenhagen introduce an innovative approach to image…

Effects of chemical mixtures: Neurotoxic effects add up

UFZ study demonstrates for the first time the toxicological relevance of chemical mixtures as they occur in humans. “In our everyday lives, we are exposed to a wide variety of…

Materials Sciences

Innovative pilot line for the vacuum coating

… and thermal post-treatment of flexible ultra-thin glass. Ultra-thin glass offers great potential for modern high-tech applications. Despite its superior properties compared to polymer films, the material has not yet…

Mechanism of cobalt-manganese catalysts deciphered

Conventional catalysts for hydrogen production via water electrolysis usually contain precious metals and are expensive. However, cheaper alternatives have been developed, for example cobalt-manganese catalysts. They have a high activity…

Green aerospace with 3D printing

The European Commission’s targets are ambitious: the ReFuelEU Aviation Regulation stipulates a 60 percent reduction in CO₂ emissions from aviation by 2050 compared to 1990 levels. A comprehensive EU Space…

Information Technology

Photonic computing harnesses electromagnetic waves

New photonic computing method uses electromagnetic waves to solve partial differential equations rapidly. In the fields of physics, mathematics, and engineering, partial differential equations (PDEs) are essential for modeling various…

Controlling prosthetic hands more precisely by the power of thought

Neuroscientists show how fine motor skills of neural prostheses can be improved. Researchers at the German Primate Center – Leibniz Institute for Primate Research in Göttingen have developed a novel…

Supporting disabled persons with robotics and AI

The TUM and the Pfennigparade Foundation have started a three-year research collaboration. The research will focus on the potential of robotics and AI-based technologies to help people with motor disabilities…