The conference will focus on trade and growth in the world’s leading emerging economies Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRICs) and the repercussions on the world economy. The ongoing globalization process makes questions of trade and growth vitally important for all actors in the world economy.
The IAMO Forum 2011 aims to take stock of current research on the consequences of the rise of new economic powers for the world economy. Besides macroeconomic questions the Forum 2011 will focus on agriculture, global food security, and the stabilisation of highly erratic international commodity markets.
While global growth increasingly depends on the BRICs’ performance, it is unclear how successful the BRICs will be in accelerating technological change and stabilizing the world economy. In addition, the ongoing race for primary products and food resources, the increasing volatility of food and primary commodity markets as well as the endangering of our natural resources call for intensified research on the interactions between growth and trade in emerging economies.
Even though the economic success of all BRICs is characterized by an export-led strategy, large differences in their paths of development exist. For example, their degree of openness and extent of state interventions differ significantly. This is especially true for agriculture. Thus, the comprehensive comparative analysis is necessary to understand the noticeable differences in the sources of growth among the BRICs. In this context the upcoming IAMO Forum 2011 will also examine the BRICs’ agricultural growth potential and their influence on agricultural markets and trade.
Participants who would like to present papers should submit a full paper, in English, via e-mail to forum2011@iamo.de. In order to be considered papers must not exceed 7.000 words. A selection of the best papers will be published in a high ranking journal. Detailed information is available on the conference homepage http://forum2011.iamo.de.
Weitere Informationen:
http://forum2011.iamo.de – IAMO Forum 2011 conference homepage
http://www.giga-hamburg.de – GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies
http://www.ifw-kiel.de – Kiel Institute for the World Economy
http://www.iamo.de – Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe