Event News

COWIN Marketplace at Euripides Forum: Smart Systems Innovation

COWIN Marketplace will provide each participant with a personalised support as well as a selection of individual meetings with potential partners to take the best of smart systems.

Participants in this event will have the unique occasion to identify new business opportunities and innovative technologies, meet new partners, decision-makers and public authorities. The strength of COWIN Marketplace is to identify advanced technologies, developments and key players that suit best the each participant’s needs and requirements.
Euripides Annual Forum – a “smart rendez-vous”
The Euripides Annual Forum, one of the main “smart rendez-vous” for the smart systems community in Europe, brings together decision makers of industry, SMEs, academia, clusters, and public authorities. The 2012 edition especially highlights emerging technologies and future markets in the field of wireless connectivity (RFID, NFC), smart power applications and smart systems for medical applications.

COWIN Marketplace – a well-proven approach
The success of COWIN Marketplace on the Euripides Forum relies on the dedicated screening process operated by COWIN to individually match technology providers’ and end-users’ demands and needs in term of technologies, markets and partnerships. This process also takes into account the deeper knowledge on the advanced technologies, their applications and outlet that COWIN experts acquired since last Euripides Forum in Helsinki. Thanks to this in-depth approach of the technologies, COWIN experts are able to better identify new and realistic opportunities and to best support participants in the Marketplace.

Success relies as well on the close collaboration with Euripides, the EUREKA Cluster dedicated to Smart Systems, aiming at stimulating and supporting innovative projects for the development of new products, processes and services in this field. This collaboration practically allows participants in the COWIN Marketplace to benefit from a larger visibility during the Euripides Forum and deeper contact opportunities with those participants. The Euripides cluster indeed represents a broad scope of potential key industrial partners, increasing the opportunities for the exploitation of smart systems and for the identification of new applications and markets.

COWIN Evening Event – Enhanced Networking
The right environment is an important factor to foster networking. To achieve this, COWIN organises an Evening Event in one of the conference’s Hotels (Romantik Parkhotel) on the evening before the Euripides forum (12th June). Participants get the chance to get to know each other, set the first contacts in a relaxed atmosphere and start networking right after arriving in Graz.

Registration and further information:

COWIN is a support action launched under the 7th Framework Program of the European Commission for 3 years to strengthen the European competitiveness in Miniaturised Smart Systems. This initiative is dedicated to the commercial exploitation of advanced technologies developed in the framework of European collaborative research projects. COWIN’s mission is to facilitate take-up of the advanced technologies worthy of investments, in order to capture innovation, win new markets and make a profit.

Mrs. Géraldine Andrieux Gustin
COWIN Coordinator
c/o Yole Développement
Email: andrieux@yole.fr
Tel.: +33 6 75 800 829

Mr. Nicolas Gouze
COWIN Communication
c/o VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH
Email: nicolas.gouze@vdivde-it.de
Tel.: +49 30 310078-209

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