Select Biosciences South East Asia is pleased to present the second annual International Bioprinting Congress.
Building on the success of the 2014 event, we are honoured to again be working in partnership with Professor Chua Chee Kai, Director of the NTU Additive Manufacturing Centre, NTU, Singapore and Professor Makoto Nakamura, Graduate School of Science and Engineering for Research, University of Toyama, Japan, who will be our Conference Chairs.
We welcome the following Keynote Speakers.
Vladimir Mironov – Visiting Professor, Center for Information Technology Renato Archer
Stuart Williams – Director, University of Louisville
The meeting will include scientific presentations from the leading international experts covering the latest developments and techniques, two highly topical panel discussions which will also highlight the views of the international regulatory authorities plus a tour of the facilities at the NTU Additive Manufacturing Centre.
We aim to provide you with a balanced overview of the industry from the varied perspectives of the leading researchers and legislative authorities.
Attending this meeting will give you an excellent opportunity for networking and help you to build contacts.
Agenda Topics
• Additive Manufacturing of Tissues and Biofabrication
• Bio-Ink and Bioprintable Hydrogels
• Biological Inkjet Printing
• Biological Laser Printing
• Biomonitoring
• Blueprints (Digital Models of Organs in STL Files)
• Cell and Tissue Patterning for Lab-on-a-Chip and Tissue Models
• Emerging Trends in Bioprinting
• IT software for bioprinting
• New Bioprinters
• Postprinting Accelerated Tissue Maturation
• Scaffolds and Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering
• The application of Additive Manufacturing and Medical Devices
Media Contact:
Paul Raggett, CEO
Select Biosciences South East Asia Pte. Ltd.
16 Raffles Quay, #33-03 Hong Leong Building,
Singapore 048581
Tel: +65 9186 3246
Email: p.raggett@selectbio.com
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