Event News

Laser Technology for Innovators at the International Congress for Laser Technology AKL’12 in Aachen

Written by admin-innovation

The complete program is already online at www.lasercongress.org.
At the 9th AKL organized by the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT, some 70 laser experts drawn from industry and research will report on the latest trends and developments in laser technology and present new laser sources and processes. More than 500 participants are expected to attend.

The main focus of this industry forum lies on communicating research results and practical experience in laser material processing, on both the micro and macro scale. Laser-based additive manufacturing techniques are set to revolutionize the production environment. The customized mass production of metallic components is no longer a science-fiction dream. A spotlight will also be thrown on laser polishing. The parallel event »Laser Technology Live« on the premises of Fraunhofer ILT features some 70 presentations including a demonstration of the institute’s automated laser polishing plant. This event takes place on May 11.

Ultrashort pulse lasers – the tool of the future for high-precision applications

In response to great demand, a new Focus Seminar dedicated to Ultrashort Pulse Laser (UPL) Technology is being offered at this year’s congress. Experts in the field will talk about the latest developments in high-performance ultrashort pulse lasers in presentations covering both the technology basics and numerous application aspects.

Those wishing to attend AKL’12 can register immediately on www.lasercongress.org. An early registration discount is offered to everyone who registers before midnight on March 23, 2012.

Innovation Award Laser Technology 2012

The official presentation of the Innovation Award Laser Technology 2012, awarded jointly by the industry association Arbeitskreis Lasertechnik e.V. and the European Laser Institute ELI, will take place during AKL’12, on May 9, 2012. This award honors outstanding innovations in the development of lasers and laser applications for use in a production environment. Individuals or project groups working for universities, R&D centers or companies established in Europe are eligible to apply for this European research award, which is endowed with 10,000 euros in prize money. The closing date for applications is January 20, 2012. For more information, please consult: www.innovation-award-laser.org.

AKL’12 organization team:

Dipl.-Betrw. Silke Boehr
Phone +49 241 8906-288
Phone +49 241 8906-194
Dipl.-Phys. Axel Bauer
Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT
Marketing & Communications
Steinbachstrasse 15
52074 Aachen, Germany
Phone +49 241 8906-0
Fax +49 241 8906-121

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