Join the first “Internet of Things – week” in Barcelona from June 6 to June 9, 2011

The event is organised by VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH, as IoT-A project coordinator and shared by four European projects and the European Research Cluster on Internet of Things (IERC).
Participants of the IoT week 2011 will have the possibility to discover some of the EU’s most advanced research projects and initiatives in the area of IoT and to engage with the global IoT research community.
At the IoT week IoT-A will showcase the results of the first Reference Model of an IoT architecture. IoT-i will inform on the current state of discussion on establishing an IoT Forum and how to participate in it. Smart Santander, an advanced smart cities project, will also share its experience.
In addition CASAGRAS2 will provide background information on how international cooperation contributes to the goal of creating a unified view on the Internet of Things. Furthermore, IoT experts from the European Commission will share their views and expectations.
The combination of the conference, chaired sessions, workshops and meetings of different projects during the week contribute to bringing the scientific and industrial community together in one location. The IoT week offers an excellent arena for science and business to meet and discuss the future challenges of the Internet of Things.
Register here to become part of this event: http://www.iot-week.eu
IoT – A Coordinator
Dr. Sebastian Lange
VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH
Steinplatz 1
10623 Berlin
Fon: +49 30 310 078 – 228
Fax: +49 30 310 078 – 225