Event News

Explore Innovations at EGU General Assembly 2012 in Vienna

Written by admin-innovation

EGU’s General Assembly is an opportunity for journalists and science writers to learn about recent developments in topics as diverse as shale gas and fracking, exoplanets, climate change, rare earth metals, natural disasters, energy and natural resources, among others. The preliminary programme for the meeting, the largest event of its kind in Europe, includes over 700 scientific sessions, described in detail at http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/egu2012/sessionprogramme.

The event will be held on 22–27 April 2012 at the Austria Center Vienna at Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1, Vienna, Austria. Members of the media and public information officers are now invited to register online (free of charge) at http://media.egu2012.eu/registration.

Further information about media services at the General Assembly is available from http://media.egu2012.eu/. Closer to the date, this website will feature a full programme of press conferences, which will also be announced in later media advisories.

Online (pre-)registration will be available until Friday 16 March. The advance registration assures that your badge will be waiting for you on your arrival to the Austria Center Vienna, giving you access to the press centre and other meeting rooms. You may also register onsite during the meeting.

For information on accommodation and travel, please refer to http://www.egu2012.eu/accommodation.html and http://www.egu2012.eu/venue.html, respectively.

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