Event News

European Wood-Based Panel Symposium 2014 Highlights Innovations

Written by admin-innovation

About 260 experts from Germany and abroad were informed by means of 24 specialist presentations on topics such as “Raw Materials”, “Environment and Health” and “Markets and New Technologies for Wood-Based Materials”. Compared to the 8th Symposium, the number of presentations has been reduced, in order to individually provide the participants with sufficient time to ask the speakers questions.

Lazlo Döry, President of EPF, had an optimistic view of the current situation regarding the European wood-based panel industry. For MDF, OSB and insulation boards, Lazlo Döry forecasts growth in 2014, whereas no increase can be expected for particle boards.

The range of topics of the other presentations was wide: from the market situation in Asia and North America and the provision of raw materials in South America through the requirements of the German pre-fabricated house industry to the most important megatrends in Europe.

The topic of formaldehyde was also covered in presentations on the CARB regulation in the USA and the development of an HCHO reference source. The technological presentations addressed such topics as sorting techniques for the recycling of waste wood, new adhesive systems and the further development of system technology.

The evening event, supported by the company Sasol Wax, took place in a relaxed atmosphere in the garden hall of the New Town Hall in the centre of Hanover. During the event, Dr. Hans Schroeder, a long-standing member of the WKI Board of Trustees and the iVTH Advisory Board, was awarded the Wilhelm Klauditz Medal. As Head of Division at the Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture, Dr. Schroeder was actively involved in wood and forest science.

He campaigned for the initial funding of a research and development cluster for the wood industry and wood science in the states of Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Hessen which encompassed the entire forestry-timber value chain. From this, the Lower Saxony Competence Network for Sustainable Wood Utilization arose in 2005. The award was presented by Professor Dr.-Ing. Bohumil Kasal, Institute Director of the WKI, together with Prof. Dr. Rainer Marutzky from the iVTH.

Over 260 participants from 28 countries took part in the 9th Wood-Based Panel Symposium 2014. About 50 % of the participants were from Germany, 40 % were from Europe and 11 % were from overseas. The Symposium is aimed primarily at wood-based panel manufacturers, the supply industry and research institutions. The presentations given during the Symposium can be ordered on CD from Mrs Heike Pichlmeier via the E-Mail address info@wki.fraunhofer.de for the price of 50 euro.

The Wilhelm Klauditz Medal is awarded by the International Association for Technical Issues Related to Wood and the Fraunhofer WKI in recognition of special achievements and dedication in the field of wood research. The award has been presented 16 times up until now.

Weitere Informationen:

http://www.wki.fraunhofer.de/en/press-media/pi_9-ehws_press-release1.html  – Press release

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