
Germans Studying Abroad Declines: 134,500 in 2013

Written by admin-innovation

The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that this was a decline of 3.2% or 4,400 students compared with 2012.

In general, however, the number of Germans studying abroad has continuously increased in the past ten years.

While the ratio of Germans studying at institutions of higher education at home to those studying abroad had been 1,000 to 37 in 2003, it was 1,000 to 58 in 2013.

In 2013, the four most preferred countries of destination were, like a year earlier, Austria (proportion of 19.7%), the Netherlands (17.2% share), the United Kingdom (11.7%) and Switzerland (11.0%).

For further information:
Udo Kleinegees,
tel: (+49-611) 75-2857,

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