Corporate News

Vectron DE Gains Approval for Germany and TSI Certification

Gerald Hörster, President of the German Federal Railway Authority (EBA), and Andreas Thomasch, Head of Directorate Rolling Stock and Operations of EBA, handed over the approval certificate to Jürgen Wilder, CEO of the Siemens Locomotives and Components Business Unit, at Innotrans, the international trade fair for transport, today.

Also today, the EC certificate was handed over by Klaus Bosch, CEO of TÜV SÜD Rail, to Siemens for its diesel-electric variant of the Vectron locomotive family by the Notified Body (NoBo) Railcert. The certificate was awarded in July already.

Authorization for Germany was performed completely in accordance with the “Memorandum of Understanding about the reorganization of approval processes for rail vehicles” that had been agreed between the German Federal Ministry of Transport, the EBA and the German railway industry.

The EC certificate confirms that the Vectron DE model meets the requirements of the Technical Specification for Interoperability (TSI) for vehicles of the trans-European conventional rail system (TSI CR LOC & PAS). On the basis of this certificate the diesel-electric locomotive can now be certified to operate in all EU member states.

Only those national requirements not covered by the TSI still have to be verified in the respective countries. The first authorization based on the EC certificate marks the German authorization.

The Vectron DE locomotives comply with the TSI CR LOC & PAS, the TSI SRT (safety in railway tunnels), which covers the majority of the national fire safety requirements in Europe, and the TSI Noise. The locomotive has been certified to operate initially in freight traffic. Next year it is expected to be certified to operate also as a passenger locomotive. 

Pictures of the ceremony will be available from 6 p.m. at: 

Photos are available at: 

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Ellen Schramke

+49 30 386 22370

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