Power and Electrical Engineering

Modeling a Stable Grid with 100% Renewable Energy

Illustration of the topological distribution of grid nodes in Germany with the corresponding ratio of offered to demanded energy.

© Fraunhofer-Institut für Windenergie und Energiesystemtechnik IWES, Kassel

Researchers model electricity grid with 100 per cent renewable energy

As part of the research project ‘Combined Power Plant 2’, scientists demonstrated that renewable energy can also offer so-called ancillary services. These services support the grid by ensuring that the energy provided is equal to the energy demanded at all times.

Grid inertia is lowered whenever the power supply is fully covered by renewable energy. Technically, wind turbines and solar power systems are fast enough to compensate for this. The power electronics of PV systems can provide primary balancing power within milliseconds, while wind turbines need approximately five seconds.

Voltage stability is another ancillary service that can be provided by renewable energy in the future. Within a given grid level, the voltage may fluctuate by a maximum of ten per cent. Only then can the system remain stable, avoiding damage to insulators and components. The scientists designed a set of rules for the use of renewables with which they can keep the voltage within a predetermined voltage range regardless of the season.

The research project ‘Combined Power Plant 2’ was carried out under the leadership of the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology (IWES).

The BINE-Projektinfo brochure “Testing towers and foundations” (05/2015) follow this link:


Uwe Milles/Birgit Schneider

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