Power and Electrical Engineering

Smart Data Platform for Optimizing Energy Management

How can operators of complex infrastructure facilities such as airports, factories and manufacturing plants optimize energy management given the rapidly changing energy market?

Funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the SmartEnergyHub research project is developing a solution that revolves around a sensor-based smart data platform. Those involved in the project include Fraunhofer IAO and five other experienced partners.

The scope for optimizing existing energy management systems is becoming increasingly limited because solutions are not making use of all available sensor data and meter values. New approaches are called for that identify and exploit savings potential by taking into account all available information.

With this in mind, the research project partners are taking a forecasting- and market-based approach to open up new energy optimization opportunities for infrastructure operators.

Pilot project at Stuttgart airport

The ICT solutions that have been developed will be tested in a pilot project at Stuttgart airport. A user group will also be set up to accompany the project, for the purpose of providing other infrastructure operators with current research findings, discussing individual questions that the partners may have, and encouraging people to share their experience with one another.

Companies that want to optimize the way energy is used in their infrastructure can still participate in the user group. The kickoff event is scheduled for June 25, 2015.


Florian Maier
Eletronic Business
Fraunhofer IAO
Nobelstraße 12
70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Phone +49 711 970-5121
E-Mail: florian.maier@iao.fraunhofer.de


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