Machine Engineering

Streamline Control Cabinets With Innovative Device Bundling

The functions of overload relay, circuit breaker, and contactor are bundled in the device. This reduces installation and wiring overhead for the user and creates more space in the control cabinet. The new compact starter has its own infeed system for power supply as well as a mounting module for simple connection to AS-Interface.

At the same time, the variance of the load feeders has been significantly reduced with the Sirius 3RA6 starter. With five wide setting ranges up to 32 amps rated current, as well as three wide voltage ranges for AC/DC current with 24, 42 to 70 and 110 to 240 volts, the devices, available as direct starters or reversing starters, cover a large percentage of the application range.

With the associated Control Kit, the user performs an early check on the wiring and motor direction even before the plant starts up. This can prevent faults and increase plant availability, as can safe shutdown at the end of service life, separate indication of overload and short-circuit, and auto reset following overload trip. Removable spring-loaded and screw-type terminals also simplify device replacement for service purposes.
For efficient energy supply to the main circuit, the user can simply plug the Sirius 3RA6 compact starter into the associated, pre-wired infeed system and thus significantly reduce the wiring overhead. This infeed system can be flexibly expanded to suit the plant by adding additional slots and Sirius industrial controls components such as 3RV1 circuit breakers or the 3RV19 infeed system. As an option PE terminals are also available for this system. This provides the possibility of directly connecting the motor cables to the Sirius infeed system for 3RA6.

To further reduce the overhead involved in integration into the control circuit, Siemens offers additional, corresponding AS-i mounting modules with which the Sirius 3RA6 compact starter can be connected directly to the AS-Interface. The mounting module can easily be connected to the compact starter and used as an A/B slave for the AS-Interface. All the diagnostics and status data of the compact starter are thus forwarded direct to the higher-level controller.

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