RECO Baltic 21 Tech: A New Flagship Project for Innovation

RB21T is one of many projects of the Baltic Sea Region Programme aiming to fulfill the aims of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. The strategy aims to intensify the cooperation between the Baltic countries and to shape the region into a regional cooperation model for the whole EU.
It focuses on four areas: environment, economy, accessibility and security. Within the different funding programmes some projects are announced as so called Flagship projects. This means they are projects with high significance, which should have a responsible lead partner as well as a deadline for implementation. As RB21T was announced as a flagship project under the “Baltic sea action plan” (BSAP) area 6, the project has a high European status and will influence the development of waste management in the Baltic Sea region even more.
RB21T is an international project addressing the problem of insufficient transnational actions in the field of waste management by different means and creating innovative business opportunities in the Clean-Tech industry. As implementing procurement procedures, both for the public sector as well as for SME’s, is one of the main activities of the project, RB21T aims to strengthen the competition by enlarging the internal market through a harmonized approach for public procurement.
Waste management is a matter of central concern to Baltic Sea countries, where significant disparities are seen. RB21T is partly funded by the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 and is running from October 2010 to December 2013. It aims at addressing problems in the field of waste management by fostering sustainable waste management in the Baltic Sea Region.
Contact persons:
Åsa Stenmarck
Swedish Environmental Research Institute, IVL
Phone: 0046-8 598 56-366
Email: asa.stenmarck@ivl.se
Prof. Dr. (mult.) Dr. h.c. (mult.) Walter Leal
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Research and Transfer Center “Applications of Life Sciences”
Phone: 0049-40-42875-6313
Email: baltic21@ls.haw-hamburg.de