Method and device for automatic readjustment of Cochlea implants

It is known, that the electric stimulation of the Stapedius muscle by the brain is not following a 0-1 scheme. Rather, it is following in a continuous curve which correlates with the signal intensity. Because of this, the invention aims to deliver a method for continuously (re-) calibrating every amplification factor.
The invention solves this task by using an integrated control system. This system compares the outer microphone volume with a target curve, which causes the Stapedius muscle to behave in a certain way. If the measured muscle behavior is different from the expected one, this system changes the amplifying parameters.
By observing and storing the Stapedius activity it is possible to make the amplification factors dependent on the volume, which makes a nonlinear amplification possible.

Further information: PDF

PVA Mecklenburg-Vorpommern AG
Phone: +49 (0)381 49747-38

Christian Tholen

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