
How the power plants of the cell get shaped

Mitochondria are the power plants of cells. They control the production of energy and initiate various central cellular processes. If they become…

Possible Path Toward First Anti-MERS Drugs

If you haven't heard of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, thank geography, NGOs, and government agencies like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…

Researchers discover two new groups of viruses

The bunyavirus family includes five different groups of viruses which trigger serious illnesses in humans and animals and which can also cause significant…

Constructing complex molecules with atomic precision

 Increasing demand from high technology sectors for better approaches to industrial production is prompting the emergence of a new generation of chemical…

Space Debris From Satellite Explosion Increases Collision Risk for Space Craft

On 3 February 2015, the DMSP F13 satellite exploded in orbit producing over an estimated 100 pieces of space debris that were detected using radar. In…

Weighing — and imaging — molecules one at a time

“You can imagine that with large protein complexes made from many different, smaller subunits there are many ways for them to be assembled. These can end up…

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