Fighting disease deep inside the brain

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), which consists of electrically stimulating the central or peripheral nervous system, is currently standard practice for treating…

Peering into living cells — without dye nor fluophore

In the world of microscopy, this advance is almost comparable to the leap from photography to live television. Two young EPFL researchers, Yann Cotte and Fatih…

Childhood trauma leaves its mark on the brain

It is well known that violent adults often have a history of childhood psychological trauma. Some of these individuals exhibit very real, physical alterations…

Illuminating the no-man's land of waters' surface

Water repelling molecules are said to be hydrophobic. The hydration – or formation of water interfaces around hydrophobic molecules – is important for many…

Choreographing light

It's a simple, transparent acrylic plate – nothing embedded within it and nothing printed on its surface. Place it at a certain angle between a white wall and…

Using rust and water to store solar energy as hydrogen

How can solar energy be stored so that it can be available any time, day or night, when the sun shining or not? EPFL scientists are developing a technology…

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