core-mantle boundary

Journey to the center of Mars

Yoshizaki explains, “Knowing the composition and interior structure of rocky planets tells us about formation conditions, how and when the core separated from…

Scientists find oxidized iron deep within the Earth's interior

Scientists digging deep into the Earth's mantle recently made an unexpected discovery.

Mysterious deep-Earth seismic signature explained

New research on oxygen and iron chemistry under the extreme conditions found deep inside the Earth could explain a longstanding seismic mystery called ultralow…

A huge hydrogen generator at the Earth's core-mantle boundary

A new study lead by an international research group revealed that when water meets the iron core of the Earth, the extremely high pressures and temperatures…

When water met iron deep inside the Earth, did it create conditions for life?

Reservoirs of oxygen-rich iron between the Earth's core and mantle could have played a major role in Earth's history, including the breakup of supercontinents,…

ASU geoscientists find explanation for puzzling pockets of rock deep in Earth's mantle

These pockets, lying roughly 2,900 kilometers (1,800 miles) below the surface, have been known for many years, but previously lacked an explanation of how they…

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