biological mechanism

Researchers Confirm Multiple Genes Robustly Contribute to Schizophrenia Risk in Replication Study

By better understanding the molecular and biological mechanisms involved with schizophrenia, scientists hope to use this new genetic information to one day…

Preventing chronic pain with stress management

This is particularly important for people with a smaller-than-average hippocampus, as these individuals seem to be particularly vulnerable to stress.These are…

New study shows how seals sleep with only half their brain at a time

The study was published this month in the Journal of Neuroscience and was headed by scientists at UCLA and the University of Toronto. It identified the…

Yale study links common chemicals to osteoarthritis

PFCs are used in more than 200 industrial processes and consumer products including certain stain- and water-resistant fabrics, grease-proof paper food…

Genome-wide Atlas of Gene Enhancers in the Brain On-line

Future research into the underlying causes of neurological disorders such as autism, epilepsy and schizophrenia, should greatly benefit from a…

Irregular heart beat elevates risk of kidney failure

Many people who suffer from chronic kidney disease progressively lose their kidney function over time and eventually develop a condition called end-stage renal…

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