Success 4.0 – Is Your Company Fit for the Future? New Series of Events for Executives

Management and organizational processes are changing rapidly. Generation Y, digitalization, Industry 4.0, and demographic change are exerting a fundamental influence on corporate cultures. They are totally transforming the classic understanding of work and, with it, that of leadership. Many business executives face the question of how they are to master these global challenges and to run their companies successfully.

NIT Impact Sessions prepare business leaders and junior executives for the future. At compact, two-day events they receive relevant input from competent teachers. The special feature is that attendees work out during the session how their company is to position itself in the future in the subject area under discussion. They will benefit in the process from the expertise, experience, and viewpoints of other participants from different industries and, of course, of the experts.

NIT Impact Sessions at at Glance:

Industry 4.0 as a Driver of New Business Ideas, 22/23.09.2015
Industry 4.0 offers manufacturing enterprises in particular numerous opportunities to establish themselves in new business areas. In one-on-one coaching IT and strategy consultant Ralf Schulze deals with the individual circumstances of attendees and identifies business opportunities.

Ideapreneurship and Flatly Hierarchic Organizational Structures, 13/14.10.2015
Swift access to information and sharing in networks characterize the thought patterns of Generation Y. A management rethink is required to harness this potential for innovation. Christopher Mars, an expert in change management, shows why speed and flat hierarchies – and not size – will determine sustainability.

Leadership 4.0: The Psycho-logic of Industrie 4.0, 22/23.10.2015
Industry 4.0 will require of organizations an adaptability and resource efficiency that can no longer be controlled centrally and from the top down. Psychologist Tobias Möller-Hahlbrock assists well-known companies with personnel and executive development. He reveals how management must change and how the change of corporate culture is to succeed.

Disruption, Emergence & Talent – Agenda Setting for the Future, 29/30.10.2015
Industry is in the throes of change and the consequences are hitting companies head-on and in all areas. As an innovation manager Peter Pirklbauer is familiar with the far-reaching repercussions of both emergent and disruptive technologies. An expert, he knows which technology trends are worth pursuing.

Mastering the Challenges of Agile Development, 10/11.11.2015
In the course of digitalization the days of static and inert project and product development methods such as the waterfall model are over. Their place is being taken by agile, flexible, and highly communicative methods. IT expert Tobias Berger teaches methods of agile and effective planning and design and development of new products and individual components.

IT Security – Awareness and Methods of Protection from Digital Threats, 24/25.11.2015
Threats to the security of information and IT systems are on the increase. The growth of networking presents hackers with scope for attack. IT consultant Tobias Berger draws attention to the threats and identifies with attendees the digital threats their companies face and how they can protect themselves from them.

All events will be held in German. – Overview about the NIT Impact Sessions (in German)

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Katrin Meyer idw - Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

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