Crash Alerter – Mobile Emergency Message Technology

Crash Alerter is a newly developed mobile technology for automatic and secure accident alert and emergency messages.

Current accident alert technologies are built-in systems in up-segment trucks and cars. The Crash Alerter technology, however, is suitable for use in all types of vehicles, including motorbikes and bicycles. Previous mobile emergency message technologies were unable to provide false-safe alerts. The Crash Alerter is a novel solution that uses motion and speed data to reliably avoid false alarms. The monitoring system is activated automatically by defined movement and in that state interprets “irregular” accelerator data readings as an accident. If the user does not cancel the alarm, Crash Alerter sends an emergency message to a pre-set address (e.g. emergency services), giving the vehicle’s current position (e. g. GPS coordinates) as well as other user-defined data.

Further Information: PDF

ZAB ZukunftsAgentur Brandenburg GmbH Brainshell
Phone: +49 (0)331/660-3824

Martina Roth

Media Contact TechnologieAllianz e.V.

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