turbine blades

ARPA-E Grant Aims to Reduce Cost of Wind Turbines

This “circulation control” aerodynamic technology could allow the wind turbines to produce significantly more power than current devices at the same wind speed.

Iowa Power Fund helps Iowa State establish Wind Energy Manufacturing Laboratory

Just consider the turbine blades that spin in the wind: a single blade can be 40 to 50 meters long and 12,000 to 15,000 pounds. It has to be built within…

On Protecting Birds and Bats from Wind Turbines, Cornell Helps Set Research Agenda

This coalition of scientists from industry, government, nongovernmental organizations and universities met recently in Racine, Wisc., to address unanswered…

'Smart turbine blades' to improve wind power

The research by engineers at Purdue University and Sandia National Laboratories is part of an effort to develop a smarter wind turbine structure.”The ultimate…

New experimental research facility to identify the weakest points of wind turbine blades

With the explosive growth within wind energy and several turbines with blades of 60 meters or more, there is a greater need for research into the design and…

New materials for gas turbines of the future

applications for power stations and airplanes have to meet increasingly high demands on system efficiency. The materials used must be absolutely safe and…

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