Space Telescope

James Webb Space Telescope's laser-focused sight

Though the Webb telescope will focus on stars and galaxies approximately 13.5 billion light-years away, its sight goes through a similar process as you would…

Hubble discovers 'wobbling galaxies'

Using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers have discovered that the brightest galaxies within galaxy clusters “wobble” relative to the cluster's…

Comet or asteroid? Hubble discovers that a unique object is a binary

Asteroid 300163 (2006 VW139) was discovered by Spacewatch in November 2006 and then the possible cometary activity was seen in November 2011 by Pan-STARRS….

Hubble delivers first hints of possible water content of TRAPPIST-1 planets

On 22 February 2017 astronomers announced the discovery of seven Earth-sized planets orbiting the ultracool dwarf star TRAPPIST-1, 40 light-years away [1]….

Kepler satellite discovers variability in the Seven Sisters

Using a new algorithm to enhance observations from the Kepler Space Telescope in its K2 Mission, the team has performed the most detailed study yet of the…

The detection of magnetic fields in a galaxy 5 billion light years away

Using observations of a gigantic cosmic lens carried out with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array, a team of astronomers has detected coherent magnetic fields…

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