sense of smell

Mosquitoes are drawn to flowers as much as people — and now scientists know why

And without that sense of smell, mosquitoes could not locate their dominant source of food: nectar from flowers.

If Machines Could Smell …

What, if robots could smell? Sniffing explosives at the airport, diagnosing diseases based on a patient’s breath, locating gas leaks and much more?

Scientists from TU Dresden search for new methods to cure neurodegenerative diseases

Most neurons in the human brain are generated from neural stem cells during embryonic development. After birth, a small reservoir of stem cells remains in the…

Smelling the forest – not the trees

As part of an international team, the University of Konstanz investigates how olfactory receptors and brain structures cope with mixtures and single odorants….

A neuron can cause a domino effect

Some nerve cells (neurons) or neuron classes in the brain seem to age faster than others. For example, the loss of the sense of smell is one of the first…

New instrument could search for signatures of life on Mars

Branimir Blagojevic, a NASA technologist at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, formerly worked for a company that developed the sensor. He…

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