Nature Immunology

Always nicely in pairs and indistinguishable: Photons at the push of a button

Existing procedures to generate these, however, lead to results occurring more by chance in view of the number of photon pairs in one pulse. The consequences…

Solar-Induced Hybrid Fuel Cell Produces Electricity Directly from Biomass

Now, researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have developed a new type of low-temperature fuel cell that directly converts biomass to electricity…

CU-Boulder stem cell research may point to new ways of mitigating muscle loss

According to CU-Boulder Professor Bradley Olwin, the loss of skeletal muscle mass and function as we age can lead to sarcopenia, a debilitating muscle-wasting…

Worldwide study finds that fertilizer destabilizes grasslands

Fertilizer could be too much of a good thing for the world's grasslands, according to study findings to be published online Feb. 16 by the journal Nature.The…

New 'pomegranate-inspired' design solves problems for lithium-ion batteries

“While a couple of challenges remain, this design brings us closer to using silicon anodes in smaller, lighter and more powerful batteries for products like…

Volcanoes, including Mt. Hood, can go from dormant to active quickly

The key, scientists say, is to elevate the temperature of the rock to more than 750 degrees Celsius, which can happen when hot magma from deep within the…

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