Nature Chemistry

Researchers report in "Nature Chemistry" on cell-permeable nanobodies

Antibodies are one of the main weapons of our immune system. They dock to viruses, bacteria and other invaders that course through our blood, and thereby…

The Molecular Breakdance of Seeing

The detection of light by pigments in the retina, called rhodopsin or visual purple, leads to our sense of vision. New experiments by scientists from the Max…

Rapid chemical synthesis of proteins by a new amino acid partner

The development of new methods for the chemical synthesis of proteins is highly significant to access a range of proteins inaccessible by conventional…

Programmed Synthesis towards Multi-substituted Benzene Derivatives

Professor Kenichiro Itami, Junichiro Yamaguchi, Yasutomo Segawa and Shin Suzuki at the Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (ITbM), Nagoya University and…

Snapshots of chemical reactions: Characterizing an important reactive intermediate

Chemical reactions rarely go from starting materials to final products in one single step, but instead they progress through a number of intermediates. In many…

Engineers teach old chemical new tricks to make cleaner fuels, fertilizers

University researchers from two continents have engineered an efficient and environmentally friendly catalyst for the production of molecular hydrogen (H2), a…

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