electronic material

Stretching diamond for next-generation microelectronics

Diamond is the hardest material in nature. But out of many expectations, it also has great potential as an excellent electronic material. A joint research team led by City University…

Graphene enables clock rates in the terahertz range

Graphene – an ultrathin material consisting of a single layer of interlinked carbon atoms – is considered a promising candidate for the nanoelectronics of the…

Pioneering Path to Electrical Conductivity in ‘Tinker Toy’ Materials to Appear in Science

A paper to appear in Science magazine, “Tunable Electrical Conductivity in Metal-Organic Framework Thin-Film Devices,” debuts in the Dec. 5 edition of Science…

Biosensor Could Help Detect Brain Injuries During Heart Surgery

In the Nov. 11 issue of the journal Chemical Science, the team reported on lab tests demonstrating that the prototype sensor had successfully detected a…

Crystal mysteries spiral deeper, NYU chemists find

Their findings, which appear in the latest edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, have a range of implications — from the production of…

Stanford Scientists Use DNA to Assemble a Transistor From Graphene

DNA is the blueprint for life. Could it also become the template for making a new generation of computer chips based not on silicon, but on an experimental…

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