
Evolution painted onto butterfly wings

Using a reverse paint-by-numbers approach, scientists have located another gene that controls the brilliant patterning of Heliconius butterfly wings. Led by…

Single brain cells reveal genes controlling formation, development

Since newly formed neurons were discovered in the hippocampus more than 20 years ago, scientists have identified the many roles they play in learning and…

Mosquitoes more likely to lay eggs in water sources near flowers

Researchers from the USDA and the University of Florida studied the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) and its egg-laying preferences. This mosquito is…

A New Litmus Test for Chaos?

Does the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas? This intriguing question — the title of a talk given by MIT meteorologist Edward…

The secret weapons of cabbages: Overcome by butterfly coevolution

This study appears 50 years after a classic paper by Drs. Paul Ehrlich and Peter Raven that formally introduced the concept of coevolution using butterflies…

Sap-feeding butterflies join ranks of natural phenomenon, the Golden Ratio

Alongside Leonardo Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, disc-shaped galaxies, or the cochlea of the human ear, scientists can now count sap-feeding butterfly proboscises…

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