Studies and Analyses

innovations-report maintains a wealth of in-depth studies and analyses from a variety of subject areas including business and finance, medicine and pharmacology, ecology and the environment, energy, communications and media, transportation, work, family and leisure.

Cancer treatment may result in bone loss

A new cross-Canada study has found that breast and prostate cancer treatment can foster bone loss. In the online edition of the Journal of Clinical Oncology,…

Biomedical Team Obtains $4.9 Million for Trauma Research

The group, the Global Human Body Models Consortium (, is funding the Center for Injury Biomechanics ( to conduct a study to…

UK study shows kids are active but not eating their ‘5-a-day’

The study was performed by a team of researchers from The Medical Research Council Epidemiology Unit and The University of East Anglia, coordinated by Esther…

Hope for treating relapse to methamphetamine abuse

A new study at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory suggests that vigabatrin (a.k.a. gamma vinyl-GABA, or GVG) blocks…

Novel 4-drug combination proves safe for lung cancer treatment

The four drug-combination of carboplatin and paclitaxel, with the targeted therapies bevacizumab (Avastin) and cetuximab (Erbitux), is safe and may improve…

Hormones and Brain Activity: Study Sheds Light on Facial Preferences

The researchers identified regions of the brain that responded more strongly to masculine faces and demonstrated that differences between masculinized and…

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