New Materials – New Test Requirements

The workshop “PV Module Reliability“ at Frauhofer ISE focuses on the durability of different PV technologies, for example, bifacial modules. Fraunhofer ISE

On July 6-7, 2017 the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE is hosting the 7th PV Module Reliability workshop. This year the workshop will be held at the Solar Info Center, which is in close proximity to the laboratories of Fraunhofer ISE in Freiburg. The location provides an ideal setting for technical tours and discussions. This year the workshop focuses on the reliability of PV modules and systems, and speakers from throughout the world will be presenting talks related to this theme.

The topics range from the newest improvements in measurement and test procedures to service life tests for PV modules.

The first of the six workshop topics deals with the durability of different PV technologies. Besides PV modules for building-integration (BIPV), bifacial modules and PV modules coupled with solar thermal collectors (PVT) are among the PV technologies considered. Experiences with standardized power measurements for bifacial modules with respect to durability will be presented by the firm Meyer Burger.

The program of the second thematic block contains innovative components such as multi-busbars, conductive adhesive materials or polymer alternatives. Here, Michael Meissner of Heliatek, a leading manufacturer in the field of organic photovoltaics, will provide a perspective into aging resistance of so-called OPV modules. The third thematic block concentrates on the selected environmental impacts or innovations in test procedures.

The abrasive effect of sand on glass surfaces is presented in a talk by Boris Agea Blanco of the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM). The suitability of LEDs as a substitute for broadband irradiation for the measurement and testing of PV modules is discussed by Thorsten Brammer of Wavelabs in the fourth thematic block called “UV and Light.”

A major part of the workshop is dedicated to the development of combined stress tests and the comparison of experiences in the USA, Japan and Europe. The last two thematic blocks will deal with these topics. The complete workshop program and registration information can be found at:

This year the workshop has received special support from the Marie Sklodowska Curie project “SOLAR-TRAIN” ( Led by Fraunhofer ISE, this project enables fourteen international doctoral students to receive education in the field of PV reliability. The students will visit Fraunhofer ISE for a week prior to the workshop in order to receive an introduction to the field. By linking both events, the students are able to obtain an exclusive glimpse into the state-of-the-art technology and establish initial contacts with experts and contact persons in the field.

About the Organizer
Founded in 1981, the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE is the largest solar research institute in Europe. For decades, the researchers at Fraunhofer ISE have been working on topics such as efficiency and reliability of PV modules and materials in, for example, European projects such as “PV PERFORMANCE”, “SOPHIA” or “SOLAR-TRAIN”. Among other topics, such projects focus on material requirements, economic implementation, possibilities for improvements in the construction of modules as well as the scientific contribution to the national and international working groups and committees. The SOPHIA workshop “PV Module Reliability” is coupled with similar workshops in the USA (PV Module Reliability workshop at NREL in Colorado) and Japan (SAYURI-PV workshop) and offers its participants access to the scientific contributions of these workshops.

Media Contact

Karin Schneider Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE

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